What Does This All Mean?

Prevention works! Research over the last two decades has proven that drug and alcohol addiction is both preventable and treatable. Prevention strategies must be a critical component for any comprehensive strategy to address drug use and underage drinking.



  • Vaping rates are increasing: From 2017 to 2019, use rates reported among high school students doubles

  • 27% to 30% of high school youth report not having clear rules that discourage them from vaping, drinking alcohol or using marijuana

  • Youth do not believe marijuana use is harmful: 51% of high school youth report little to no risk in using marijuana

  • 12% of 9th to 12th graders reported using marijuana at least once in the past month

  • Access to vapes, alcohol and marijuana is reported to be “easy”

  • Youth report that they are getting alcohol from parents, peers and at parties (with adults present)

  • Not all youth have clear rules at home around use of substances

  • Marijuana is the substance used most frequently among our high school youth


Prevention. Prevention. Prevention.

  • Over 84% of youth believe their parents think it is wrong for them to use substances

  • Risky behaviors continue to occur amongst youth

    • In the past 30 days 9% of all high school students rode in a car with a driver who was under the influence of alcohol *

      • 29% of youth reported this occurring in their lifetime

  • Students report easy access to alcohol and other substances

Parental disapproval has one of the strongest impacts on youth using substances